Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rare Moments in Happiness.

Last night I went to sleep and I felt depressed, I don't know if I was just feeling lonely or just sad about something, but I remember just feeling completely helpless about myself and not knowing what to do to make myself feel better.

Although tonight, I feel a lot better. I don't care if I'm going to bed alone, or that I didn't tell someone that I love them today, I'm just feeling generally better about myself. I'm thinking the majority of those happy feelings are due to what I've been involved with recently on Youtube. I've already talked about this so much today that I don't really feel the need to expand further in my blog.

My point being, that it's strange how something can change how I'm feeling. Like, I wanted to write about how sad I was last night, but I felt that no one really wants to read about my depressed thoughts. Everyone gets lonely, everyone gets the feeling that they are missing something in their life. I guess it's more rare that I get so excited about something, so I figured those are the moments that I need to write down, so that I can look back, read it and remember why I was happy and hopefully that would be enough to make me happy again.


sanelyinsane said...
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sanelyinsane said...

Seriously, I feel a little dissapointed that you couldn't talk to me about it. You know I'm always good to go in moments like those.

Rosequirk2789 said...

Once again, I know exactly what you mean. It's so great once you finally start getting excited about certain things again after feeling like crap for a bit. What you were saying at the end is a really good way of looking at it. I need to try and do that more, as well.

Francesca said...
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Francesca said...

with random allergic reactions popping up in my life...i have to be more careful of which products i need to use....

Lucky you for not having to care.... trust me I'm envious...

( no choice but to respond in your actual post... which is completely unrelated..... cbox?)